Monday, November 30, 2009

Stocks fall

Stocks fall as biz worry on consumers. It appears sales are way gone. With our 26 year high in jobless rate, we need more money. Most customers are working less hours if they have a jobs. Other have had to take a cut in pay.

iranian uranium expansion

Iran expands uranium enrichment sites. They are using stalling tactics to buy time while they build more labs and enrich uranium.

Obama's diplomacy does not appear to be working. In fact, iran is arming for war.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Food Stamp use soars

What is the truth is that politicians are liars. They claim all is fine when our situation is worse. Job losses increase. Food Stamp use soars.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Food pantry busy

Food pantries open to hungry seniors. Sadly, many of them went through the awful Great Depression. They now experience the great recession. Things are not getting better, that are now worse.

Friday, November 27, 2009

What is happening?

Quick cash is gone in a flash. Because every day I see fewer expensive luxury automobiles on the road. Sadly, high end luxury designer shops are closing. Those fine dining up scale restaurants are empty. Stockbrokers and others that thrived in an age of easy money - gone.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

China has rising economy

China is on a move. It has rising sales in cars. Also, air travel is up. It increasing consumes gas. The question is how this will affect oil prices. OK my guess is crude oil will be more expensive next year.

Spock Time Machine

Listen to Spock's Time Machine. It is very entertaining. Q helps him. Hear how Spock builds a time machine.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

programmable magnets

Nutty professor is testing magnetism in the science laboratory photo

A new breakthrough discovery in programmable magnets. Wonder if this technology can be use in new types of energy. Perhaps power production in the future will use these new magnets. I would like to use a complex magnetic field magnet with my HDR electromagnet.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ocean in woe

Fish are at risk in a more acidic ocean. Acid rain is a problem not just for lakes, but also our sea. The larva are more vulnerable and less able to survive as CO2 levels continue to rise.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jobless claims at half a million

It troubles me to say it, but half a million americans lost their jobs last week. Jobless claim were unchanged last week. Sadly, companies continue to shed jobs. What we need is job gains.

As american industry is shut down and move to china, fewer people can find jobs. The deinstrialization of USA is causing hardship to many workers. It is a foregone conclusion that politicians will do nothing except play the blame game.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Burning down the house

house: technical draw photo

Home ownership is way down and foreclosures are way up. Housing starts are are down 11% in October.
Folks there is no recovery.

Few houses are new, meanwhile multifamily apartment building fell down a whopping 34.5%, to its lowest level ever. Actually the lowest level since the housing index started keeping track in 1959 - that is 50 years ago.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Bodie, California is a ghost town east of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Mono County, California photo

People, we are no longer a rich nation. but one with unempoorment. In fact, the ratio of those who are hungry is one in six american. This is a sign. What we need to do is wake up. UNempoorment is here.

Between 2003 and 2008, the proportion of people living in poverty in Brazil has gone from 28% to 16%. Almost cut in half. Yet in america the figure goes up every year.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

IT role in economy

IT has a role in economy. However most computers are built in China. Most programming is done in India. The days over programmers making $50,000/year are over.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

2012 apocalyptic movie

It is a real hit movie. The 2012 apocalyptic movie is now in cinema. NASA says it is a myth, but many worry our science is in error.

Friday, November 13, 2009

US running out of money

Folks, there is no money. China doers not want to pay for a second US stimulus. The last stimulus created few jobs. It seems that our gov feels everything is OK, but lets face facts, unemployment is rising.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

States in Trouble

Due to falling revenue. states are forced to raise taxes on poor. The reason is a decline in income due to unemployment, also sales tax revenue did not increase. In fact sales are down, the economic recovery is a hoax. States are now poor. In fact many states may declare bankruptcy as our financial system goes off the rails and crash our economy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


View of the front part of a cockroach, ultra macro photo

There are pests that infest the halls of congress. They are called quite appropriately congressmen. Last year when people were calling pleading that their tax dollars not be given to billionaire banksters, these roaches that rule, these men of congress chose to ignore the cries of the poor.

Well, as always these congressmen have excuses. However, your money is gone.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

economic WREAKcovery

Folks the outlook for US economy is very grim. Sun Tsu said, "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." The war in Middle East has been a drain to our economy. What we have now is an economic WREAKcovery.

Monday, November 9, 2009

China warns US on Dollar

China premier wen warns US on dollar decline. He says we need to get our deficit down. Well, go into Walmart and 99% of products say MADE IN CHINA. Factories close down ever single day and move overseas. There is a reason that our trade deficit is so poor.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Market Mayhem

Blue abstract diagonal crop of modern office skyscraper photo

Wall Street is dumb. They feel that everything is going their way. However, unemployment rates are high. That means less spending this Christmas holiday season. Expect sales to drum up little business as customers try to save every penny.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

economic crisis worsens

All this talk of green shoots is poo. US jobless rate is now over 10% and rising. If people do not have jobs, they cannot consume. In fact, sales this Christmas season, will be bad, much worse than predictions tell us. Get ready for some more economic woe.

Friday, November 6, 2009

germany wins?

Let us imagine an alternate timeline where germany wins. The story of WWII would read quite different. In fact, we would probably never hear of death camps. People would focus on the "liberation" from corrupt capitalism by the national socialist workers party also known as nazi. History remember, is written by the winners.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

FED keeps rate at zero

In a sign we are still in trouble, FED keeps rate at zero. This means that we are not in a recovery. What is taking place is that our gov is trying to keep stock market prop up. Folks, this will not end well, I am telling you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Democrats lose in NJ & VA

Superhypercatastrophic, as in epic. Time is running out for democrats. People want performance, not promises. OK in what can be called a cascade failure, democratic states are falling like a row of dominoes. Incumbents get a wake up call as reps win. Hey, even with our prez campaigning for democrats the losses were epic. This means public wants jobs, not more social programs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

J&J fires 8,000

JohnsonandJohnson announce it will fire 8,000 workers in an attempt to increase income. They are already profitable, but they want more. It is these greedy execs that are going to ruin us.

Already I read the 50% of children are on food stamps. Folks, there is no recovery. What is taking place is a complete collapse of our economy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ford cuts 45% workers

OK since 2006, Ford has cut 45% of its auto workers. With almost half its employees gone it says this is the way forward. Here is me, with a disagree; no this is the way FORDwar, as in a war against employees. How can america ever recover?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Goldman bet on crash

It has now come out that Goldman Sachs bet on the housing crash. In fact, they did profit from our misery. Banksters are laughing all the way to the bank. The mortgage meltdown was in part caused by home loans to the poor. It was engineer from the start to create our current severe economic recession.