Saturday, April 29, 2023

federal reserve

 Things do not look good for the federal reserve. OK, so they did fail to responsibly manage the risk issue. Sadly, as a result, silicon valley bank did collapse and that does indeed provide a valuable lesson for all of us. It is important that we keep our eyes on the ball as we see. Otherwise, the consequences can be disastrous or worse.

Friday, April 28, 2023

water crisis

 The water crisis is over. Well, that is awesome news. Oh yes, water levels are going up in our massive reservoirs. I do hope we become better stewards of the planet we have been given. May God have mercy on us.

Lake Mead

Monday, April 24, 2023

Bud Light

 Bud Light is the top selling beer no more. OK, so the boycott is one main reason. The beer backlash goes on. Frankly, they really do need to listen to their consumers some more. Basically, we do not need them, but they do need us.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

remote work

 Bosses are fed up with our remote work it seems. They do give some main reasons. For example, they believe that workers are slacking off if they do not see em. OK, so bosses want you to come into the office once more. Hey, with remote work we can save on gas. Also, we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide going into our air.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Electric cars

 Electric cars could put a strain on our nations electric power grid and that could indeed cause a serious crisis. Fossil fuel might not be so bad after all as we see. It could a case... that the solution is worse than the problem that we are suppose to solve - yes, even worse.

The WEDGEE Electric Car

Good managers

 Good managers are so rare. Bad bosses are common. They demotivate their employees and cost the company money. OK, so becoming a great boss is not so easy. People often do not understand that social skills that are necessary.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

cost cutting

 Right here this year... like we see cost cutting increase. Oh yes, we are in an ominous economic crisis or a mimic. Bosses are taking out the main scissors. People do have a lot less disposable income. Most of what we buy are essentials items and luxuries are few or none.


Sunday, April 16, 2023


 I have indeed noticed that the pictures our computers generate for us do look like an animated cartoon and not a real person. Maybe, we are simply too picky, but it would be great to get some more um realistic images. Hey, this is my own opinion. Please tell me what your thoughts are.

Friday, April 14, 2023


 Few people did predict the catastrophic collapse of silicon valley bank that did occur earlier this year. Well, this should not come as a surprise. After all, they did invest a lot of money in BIT coin. I call it a different name. Oh yes, that would be um $#@+ coin.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

economic crisis

 Ray Dalio says we are now in an economic crisis. Brothers and sisters, we really do agree... like on this one. Fellow esteemed colleagues, there are so many reasons. However, we believe that having a gigantic mountain of federal debt in the trillions is the main reason. People are tired of saving coins... because prices just keep on going up. In fact, I doubt that we will see a major reduction in grocery prices.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Saturday, April 8, 2023


 A lot of things are better than watching Netflix movies in our new evening. Brother and sisters, junk food is certainly not good for us. However, it is something that we can consume. Let us exercise more care. Oh yes, let us access some exercise.

Thursday, April 6, 2023


 OK, so there are problems with ageism. It is a main concern. Yeah, it is true that there are other ominous issues. Still, we see that people are not judge so much by their actions as by their outward external appearance.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

stock market

 Here is some sour news. The stock market could collapse soon. I do not know when the bull market is over. Well, that could be a scary FRIGHT mare. Yo, it does feel like we are in a HORROR movie now. Just hope the monster appears soon.

Stock Screening