Tuesday, November 29, 2016


AI used to get rid of fake news. Oh boy, this is scary. They want to filter what we see...

Eurasian Red Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Brands use color

Brands use color to impress us. Netflix likes bright red or orange. Both of those colors symbolize a young energy. Hey, This could be a new way. Cartoon colors are the opposite of an uninspiring gross gray. Always look at what colors brands use.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Books are no pop. Citizens do not read anymore. Reading is seen as being a nerd and no one wants to be a library mouse. Yeah, we do say no one. Well, some older folks still read as it is pop in seniors.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Brad Pitt

FBI was investigating Brad Pitt for child abuse just now. He should have become a Catholic Priest in my opinion. Do not like any of his movies. They are as boring as a sermon. 👮

Friday, November 18, 2016

oil field

Biggest oil field found in america. It is in Texas of course. Well, that might surprise no one. Still, we wonder what tomorrow can give us.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Black Friday

Black Friday is dominated by amazon. Clearly, they are taking over. Still remember the tiny store on every corner. Well, the mom and pop shop is gone. What we have now is major. Little fish get eaten up in our ocean.

Monday, November 14, 2016

What are we looking at?

What are we looking at? Do not let life pass you. Lots of exciting things are going on. Friends, we live in an awesome universe.

the view

Friday, November 11, 2016


Trump says we need to drain the swamp. Exactly what does that even mean. People often work in gov. OK, so that does not specify that they are evil ones. Still, we do see a conflict of interest when lobbyists take massive money. Often this cash comes from over seas.

Huissen Loovelden - zomer in het waterpark

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

blogging review

Do gaze on the annual blogging review. Just exactly, what do you see. Frankly, it does worry me. Video is taking over. People do not like to read text on a tiny smart phone screen. Yeah, it is too tiny to see. Also, scrolling up pages is a major pain.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Costco versus amazon

Costco versus amazon is war. OK, so many wonder who can win. At first, I thought it would be amazon. Like they have low prices. However, I am not so sure. Returning things is a real pain. They love to charge my credit card, but when it come time to return an item, they are not so friendly to me. Yeah, they love to get my money. However, they create a lot of hoops you have to jump over... when you want to return a broken camera.

Not a lot of people share our view.

After 3 minutes

Saturday, November 5, 2016

moving on up

Invention of the mirror was awesome. People can see what they really are. Oh yes, we did say see. Before the mirror, it was often a fuzzy reflection in polished metal that gave us awareness. However, we are moving on up. Just not sure... were we are.

7008 (explored)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Question for you. Just why is it that we cannot swim in river. Well, the water was pure once. Sadly, that was many years ago. Yet, I still like to swim. However, it is in a heater pool now. All of use yearn... for a better universe. Oh yes, a place where there are pure rivers.

Stay II