OK so many people saw their net eggs in trouble. Real Estate prices fell, stocks feel, CD rates are near zero. This is not a good time for most folks. In fact, our severe economic recession has thrown people out of jobs and crushed many nest eggs.
OK so oil prices rose, but no where near our 2008 prices. Expect demand for oil to increase in the future as India and China move in. Future oil prices in the next decade will be much higher as supply goes down.
Today we see that the news says there are 4,000 less restaurants than last year. Financial collapse is hitting all sectors of the economy, even the service areas. This severe economic recession is beginning to bite even recession resistant fast food. In terms of casual dining I can tell you that many are on the ropes. The situation is getting ugly as people try to save money.
Contractors built 281,000 in June, down 4% from May. This is the lowest number since February 1998. People we are going down, but our gov says all is fine. Fed reserve Chairman Bernanke said on July 21 that our economy is showing “tentative signs of stabilization”.
I predict a big jump at your gas pump in the near future as oil prices go up. Future oil prices will rise. Expect this to happen soon. OK some will blame a weak dollar, others peak oil, but it is coming soon, so get ready.
Sadly, as our economic crisis worsens, predators are stalking home owners. People need to be aware of this. Home owners beware of loan modification schemes means as tricking you. There unsavory characters out there that prey on homes near foreclosure.
Sadly, as more and more jobs are lost, that means more foreclosures and many banks are undewrwater as housing market continues to weaken. The recovery is a lie, rather we will soon face economic ruin. Get ready to see a major declaration soon.
There is no economic recovery, perhaps instead we are seeing economic ruins. Globally, the severe recession is turning into a cancerous tumor. People, our house is on fire and rome is burning, while nero fiddles. Today we hear that Volvo world's second biggest maker of trucks says sales are half of last year. Here is a heads up, last year was bad, but this year is worse. This year they are looking at record losses - an economic ruin. However, economic debunkers say that all is fine in 2009. Well, it ain't!
The old cassette players are big and bulky compare with sleek new ipods. Also, tapes tend to jam and break. It could be said that this tech is dead, but you can still find tape players for sale in sears.
Much like film, tape still hangs in there. It might one day bring a bit of nostalgia. John Titor claims that in the future people like to listen to old tapes and he has a collection of 80's videotapes.
US is the Saudi Arabia of coal, but there are many problems. OK, some say we can use carbon capture technology to clean up dirty coal. That is easier said than it will ever get done. Most power plants produce a lot of green house gases. Coal is the main offender.
Google reports that total clicks are up, but sales are down. Customers are reluctant to pull out their credit cards and money is tight. This is a worry, as there is no pick up in the sales arena. Without more sales we will see an increase in ghost malls as more stores are shuttered. Actually, the internet is pulling sales away from malls due to cheaper prices. This means more ghost malls in the future as people ration their meager cash flow.
OK our severe economic recession has led to deep declines in income. Store owners report sharply reduced sales and many are closing up shop. It is the the very size of our dramatic decline that points to a deep depression ahead. The number of shuttered stores is at a record high. We will soon face more ghost malls.
US foreclosures are up by a third as our severe economic crisis worsens. All those green shoots are withering in the wind. It is a trial and tribulation to be alive now.
President Obama says the answer is more training. However, I feel that most new jobs are in areas such as fast food that require very little training. Those high tech high wage jobs have been mostly OUTsource to India. Few jobs in the $50,000 range remain. It is very cost effective to get an Indian to replace an american web designer for a tiny fraction of the price.
Bush era terror tactics are under fire. There is talk that an investigation into wrong doing after 911 is in order. Also, talk about rule of law. I guess we are all under the law. Wonder what the penalty will be.
This means less buying of products and many electronic shopping carts are empty as people can download for free off the internet product that they use to buy. The result is that they are losing money.
Death valley is the only area in US below sea level and it often feels like California is now at its lowest point ever. The California budget crisis is making life difficult for area residents.
A combination of real estate market crash along with massive unemployment of over 11.5% means the state is getting less tax revenue from taxes on {income, property, and sales}. This causes a shortfall in money. The solution is higher taxes and less services.
They say it ain't so, but amazon slashed price of kindle ebook reader. It appears that a price war is taking place as makers of ebooks or electronic books fight for market share in the new niche of the future.
Going to school is normally a good idea, but there are not ordinary times. In fact, this is a time when college graduates are waiting tables and parking cars. It is a time when jobs tend to be few and far between. That degree is not a good investment of your time or money.
Forget the official 9.5% figure, because real unemployment is 16.8% and rising. Please remember that we are moving near the 25% unemployment of the great depression of the 1930's and could see years of sadness ahead of us. This is not a mild depression and is already worse than a severe recession.
A very grim US jobs report is responsible for crashing world markets. The situation is very serious with household income falling. Without an economic recovery we will see more pain, and since US is primary importer of good from all over the world an economic crisis in US can affect the entire globe. OK, now is time to prepare yourself for what is coming.
Governor Arnold says we are in a fiscal emergency. What that means is the state will issue ious to pay its bills, instead of giving you money. California will begin to issue ious soon. The golden state has no gold.
The road ahead for bankrupt GM is very bumpy. Court is not getting information that things are far worse than originally thought. In fact, american tax payer may never get back the money they LOANED gave GM.
GM bankruptcy sale continues, but we are not certain as to the outcome due to our economic crisis. It could be year before people know if General Motors can survive.