Saturday, August 29, 2009

recession jobs

Newspaper opend to the want ads.  Magnifying glass highlighting the word Jobs. photo

OK are some jobs more recession resistant than others? I believe that we can look at an increase in crime. Prediction is more security related positions.Back in the 1930's the crime rate rose. The reason was that many people without work turn to stealing to survive. There is a delicate balance when staffing in an economic recession. Business does not want the quality of service to suffer, but must keep costs down to a minimum.

Here is my prediction. People will still spend money on food, but items that are not essential to human life will get cut from the budget. Think of things such as pricey high end electronics. However, even the bag boy at the grocery store is out of work. People have to bag their own. Automatic check out machines are replacing cashiers.

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